Our Solutions:
At In Credible English, we tailor our expertise to your needs and budget. We provide:
Customized editorial services for your business writing, editing, and information design needs using best practices across industries
A single source for print and online process and business development communication
Expertise in responding to commercial and government grant and proposal requirements
Writers who can also design usable and persuasive sales/marketing collateral
Full-service documentation project management and development services
A fresh, outside perspective that targets user needs for every document you produce
Surge capability and just-in-time training for your existing subject matter experts
Review services provided and deliverables
for a variety of Workplace Writing
Case Studies.
Your Needs:
Our services focus on our clients' critical workplace communication challenges — business development, process documentation, and customer relationship management. Find out how In Credible English can support your needs for:
Producing consistent, effective, and professional corporate and consumer communication
Creating readable, usable, and persuasive marketing and sales materials that maintain your brand strategy
Writing strategic proposals and grant applications that sell your solutions, discriminate you from your competitors, and position you to win contracts
Developing well-documented policies, procedures, work instructions, handbooks, and task performance checklists that support ongoing training and audit functions
Creating a content strategy for condensing and streamlining enterprise-wide materials written by committee, simplifying and consolidating key messages, and reducing costs through information reuse
Saving time and money creating documentation
Addressing diverse stakeholders with different information needs
Transitioning existing, print-based content to online information resources
Mentoring your staff to communicate more effectively
Sample Projects:
We offer a broad range of print and online communication solutions for businesses,
industrial enterprises, government agencies, and non-profit organizations.
Sample projects inlcude:
Business Development Support —
Shipley Associates (client proposal development, customized proposal training,
sales & marketing materials, web copy) -
ARCOM (marketing materials, package design, web copy and coordination)
Ford, Bacon & Davis (sales materials, proposals, resume database)
Etc. Group, Inc. (technical reports)
Bingham Environmental (proposals)
Eimco Process Engineering (sales materials)
Water Power Technologies (proposals)
Utah Department of Environmental Quality (compliance workbook, fact sheets)
Wireco (marketing materials, public relations materials)
Smith Machinery (company brochure, quarterly newsletter)
The Agile Conference (conference programs)
Process Documentation —
Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. (ISO-9000 documentation)
Martin Doors (ISO-9000 documentation)
Industrial Instruments (ISO-9000 documentation)
Taliaferro & Browne Civil Engineers (policy and procedure manual)
Client/Target Audience Relationship Management —
ArbiterSports (Software user manuals for various Web-based products)
Compact Clinicals Medical Publisher (Writer's Guide for Manuscript Submissions)
Prestige Publications (total editorial development for 2002 Olympics magazine and G8 Summit Magazine [5 years' editions])
Market Design Media (total editiorial development for eight chamber of commerce magazines and two specialty publications)
Check out our full Client List.
Find more information here...
Association of Proposal Management Professionals — www.apmp.org
American Society for Quality — www.asq.org
Society for Technical Communication — www.stc.org
University of Tennessee: Grant Writing Articles, Guides, and Manuals —
Microsoft Manual of Style for Technical Publications, Third Edition eBook —
The Purdue Online Writing Lab — https://owl.english.purdue.edu/
Research and Documentation Online, 5th Edition — http://bcs.bedfordstmartins.com/resdoc5e/
Make your messages make sense to customers, staff members, regulators, and funders with readable, usable, and persuasive print and online communication.